Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Three Cancer Cells walk into a bar. The Bar my begins crying ridiculously.

I am inside Vancouver, and I've decided that I could never be a city dweller. The magic ticket boxes and super fast locomotives scare me, or more accurately, the people on the super fast locomotives scare me.

But at any rate, I feel I need to address something important to myself. Humor.

I am a satirical person, I won't lie. I make light of damn near everything. From Poop to Cancer. And I have gained and lost friends because of it.
My world view, is that if you can make a joke about something, life won't drag you down as much, so I joke about near everything (there's stuff even I won't touch, despite my boundaries being far, far away from where I stand.)
And even as I have done so, I have experienced a happier life style then before. I am a happier person, and I worry less about stuff people usually worry about.
As I said before, I've lost plenty of friends because of my... style of humor, we could say, but that doesn't change who I am.
I am the master of my own fate, and as much as you may dislike that, you can deal with it.

Keep Calm and Carry on.

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