Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There is no hope for me anymore

Today, I came to the realization that I am turning into my father, and very, very quickly.
If you know my father, you know that is indeed a bad thing, because he suffers manopause 9 out of 7 days a week. The math may not be sound, but if you do know him, it does make sense. I went nuts earlier today because of the fact that the DVDs, Xbox, Wii, and Gamecube game discs were out of their cases, and installed Hitler rules to make sure it remains in good condition from now on.
I also decided that to regulate it, I need a lock box to control Xbox game usage, because after two of my games got ruined by my siblings, I'm ready to snap necks.
Definitely turning into my father. Bad things are in store for the world.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Invalid Information

You know that feeling you get when you just learned that one vital piece of information that could change everyone you know and don't know forever?

Yeah, that doesn't exist.

It's just a bunch of attention whores out for your money. I'm a whore to, but it's for achievements, not attention.

Moving on, I need to clean my room. It's a disaster zone in here.

Moving on to something relevant, I've been thinking about all of these "funny" comments people have been coming out with since the Japanese Twin Disasters.

The blatant claims it's "revenge for pearl harbour" the two dates people are adding together to say it leads to "2012, the end of the world" and finally, the ever horrendous "I just dumped my Japanese girlfriend, but it's okay, their are plenty more in the sea."

Everyone who agrees with these, or finds them humorous in any way, shape, or form, deserve to enter into the deepest, darkest circles of hell, where blasphemers and tyrants live.

I know you have no form of power or the like, but you still belong there, where your sins will devour you for an eternity.

Just what I believe.

Forever Strong, my brothers and sisters against acts of racism and horrendous accusations, the reward shall be great in the end.

We'll be right.

~Because I'm Awesome like that.

"There's been a drop in the pigeon population in Ferelden, what sort of vile monster could do such a thing?"

I suppose I need to do a real post

So I finally finished Dragon Age 2 today, only took me two weeks to accomplish. We don't all have infinite time to drain into video games like so many people seem to. *caffcaffBrigenarcaffcaff*

Anyhow,  believe in something called "Cynicism" which means I will ruin your life with witty banter and insults, because I'm better than you. I'm also very bleak. Nothing is good, ever.


I'm also very big on myself. I be awesome, you be not, your mom be fat.

Anyhow, I've also been sitting on this idea for a book, no lie. I like writing and reading, it's why I play RPG games cause it's the best way to get a good narrative without paper cuts. Geez.

And it's actually two books in two separate settings. One will be a dark fantasy novel, the other a dark post-apocalypse novel. And as redundant as "Dark Post-Apocalypse" seems, it'll make other Post-Apocalypse stories seem like Twilight.

Sparkly, Gay, and a Waste of Time.

I'm also listening to tunes. Oh look, Collective Soul. Classy.

I also like short paragraphs, as you may see. I think it's easier to keep peoples attention with than a great huge wall of text.

Still haven't seen one as big as your mom though.


~Because I'm Awesome like that

"Whatever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll?
All we have now is AIDs, Crack, and Techno."

Friday, March 18, 2011

I know it's not Grammatically or Spelt correctly

I know it's Cynic, not Synic, but you expect me to hack someone's blog just to be grammatically correct? Pfeh, forget that, nubcakes.

Anyhow, was tweeting today, being cynical as usual, and I decided to start blogging again, considering I posted 4 tweets within 4 minutes, all about trending topics, and thought, may as well just put them all in one post, and than tweet parts of it through the day.

Also, you're mother is fat.

No witty pun, just fat.

~Because I'm Awesome like that.