Saturday, March 19, 2011

I suppose I need to do a real post

So I finally finished Dragon Age 2 today, only took me two weeks to accomplish. We don't all have infinite time to drain into video games like so many people seem to. *caffcaffBrigenarcaffcaff*

Anyhow,  believe in something called "Cynicism" which means I will ruin your life with witty banter and insults, because I'm better than you. I'm also very bleak. Nothing is good, ever.


I'm also very big on myself. I be awesome, you be not, your mom be fat.

Anyhow, I've also been sitting on this idea for a book, no lie. I like writing and reading, it's why I play RPG games cause it's the best way to get a good narrative without paper cuts. Geez.

And it's actually two books in two separate settings. One will be a dark fantasy novel, the other a dark post-apocalypse novel. And as redundant as "Dark Post-Apocalypse" seems, it'll make other Post-Apocalypse stories seem like Twilight.

Sparkly, Gay, and a Waste of Time.

I'm also listening to tunes. Oh look, Collective Soul. Classy.

I also like short paragraphs, as you may see. I think it's easier to keep peoples attention with than a great huge wall of text.

Still haven't seen one as big as your mom though.


~Because I'm Awesome like that

"Whatever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll?
All we have now is AIDs, Crack, and Techno."

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